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[-] 29 points 5 hours ago

It is very telling

[-] 1 points 6 hours ago

That's only a 21%

[-] 11 points 8 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

I rate your rating a 4/10

[-] -2 points 8 hours ago

Even if they are, it isn't necessarily bad thing. If the demand is going above supply you need to decrease demand or increase supply. If you increase cost you decrease demand.

However, the article above doesn't give enough information to draw conclusions and it doesn't even have sources.

submitted 11 hours ago* (last edited 11 hours ago) by to c/
[-] 3 points 14 hours ago

They used to be though

[-] 0 points 15 hours ago

Communism is only possible though authoritarian governments. And even with that it collapses as basic things like farm maintenance fails to happen.

I feel like the communists on Lemmy go out of there way to reject any facts or beliefs that are remotely against communism. That is why they remove anything anti China or Russia. They see China as this Utopia and refuse to see anything else.

[-] 1 points 15 hours ago

That's why we would all need to do it

[-] -4 points 16 hours ago

I am just sick and tired of people trying to force there beliefs on others. It feels like every other post there are people complaining about the free market. I genuinely could care less.

[-] 6 points 16 hours ago

Bears don't really eat people. Furthermore, they avoid people but will defend themselves or cubs.

[-] 16 points 17 hours ago

Defederate from

Evolution (
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by to c/

Sure, it runs Android. What did people expect? They aren't going to build a custom system from scratch.

The appeal is the form factor

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by to c/

The EFF has been calling for national private legislation for a while but now that we have something on the table they are criticizing it. They are calling for state level laws but the problem with local laws is that there are 50 different states for companies to try to keep track of. The other problem with local legislation is that it is hard to enforce as Google or who ever else may not be based in the state that there users are in and each state will be treated differently and will receive different levels of support. We need unification so that companies know and meet the requirements. States are simply to small to be effective against a company.

Even if the privacy act is not completely perfect it can always be expanded or revised in the future. We need something to be passed as technology has surpassed public awareness.

Risen bread (

I've been playing around with Ollama in a VM on my machine and it is really useful.

To get started I would start by making sure you have capable hardware. You will need recent hardware so that old computer you have laying around may not be enough. I created a VM on my laptop with KVM and gave it 8gb of ram and 12 cores.

Next, read the readme. You can find the Readme at the github repo

Once you run the install script you will need to download models. I would download Llama2, Mistral and LLava. As an example you can pull down llama2 with ollama pull llama2

Ollama models are available in the online repo. You can see all of them here:

Once they are downloaded you need to setup openwebui. First, install docker. I am going to assume you already know how to do that. Once docker is installed pull and deploy open web UI with this command. Notice its a little different than the command in the open web UI docs. docker run -d --net=host -e OLLAMA_BASE_URL="http://localhost:11434 -v open-webui:/app/backend/data --name open-webui --restart always

Notice that the networking is shared with the host. This is needed for the connection. I also am setting the environment variable in order to point open web UI to ollama.

Once that's done open up the host IP on port 8080 and create an account. Once that's done you should be all set.


So I've been using Rustdesk with a self hosted server for business and personal use now for some time. However, it is definitely the sketchiest foss software I've used. It seems to be based in China but the developers keep lying and saying its in Singapore.

Here is a list if everything I've found:

It seems that now the clients and OSS server are completely foss which is good. They also no longer have public servers in China according to them. In the client itself it also now has better defaults so you are less at risk of getting attacked.

It still is sketch but it now is slightly less sketch I guess? Either way its not ideal.

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joined 10 months ago