submitted 3 years ago* (last edited 3 years ago) by wabooti@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Hey, I am relatively new to the federated web and I only use lemmy currently. But I love the idea of an alternative social web ecosystem that is not ruled by big corporations. To see how the fediverse has developed in 2020 I decided to look into the stats (stats go from 2nd January 2020 til today) over at https://the-federation.info/:

No. of nodes:

6043 --> 7849 (+29.9%)

Users per Node:

817 --> 840 (+2.8%)

No. of users:

3,597,652 --> 4,153,555 (+15.5%)

Active users (6 Months):

1,348,965 --> 1,175,150 (-12.9%)

Active users (1 Month):

476,457 --> 432,75 (-9.2%)

Active users ratio:

0.132 --> 0.104 (-21.2%)

So before I say something about these numbers I want to warn you that these numbers are not the really correct because not all instances of the fediverse are not correctly listed in these statistics. This might be for a variety of reasons but I guess most of the unlisted instances just want to stay under the radar. However, I still think that these stats can give us an indication how things are going in the federation.

If we look solely at the number of nodes (+30%) and registered users (+15.5%) we can see that these numbers have risen within the last year. It might not be incredible growth that indicates mainstream adoption but I think it is nothing to be concerned about.

However, if we look at the active user stats we can see that activity activity has steadily decreased over the year. It seems like we have lost roughly 13% of active users within this year.

Tbh I don't really know how to judge these numbers as I am pretty new to all of this. So I wanted to ask the users who have been here longer and might even use several federated services. Did you notice a decrease in activity? Is the fediverse healthy? If not, what might be the reason that the active user stats are on a downwards trend and how might we be able to change this?

submitted 3 years ago by pioneer@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

A very nice app that displays the feed in the "post + comments" way rather than in a microblogging manner.

submitted 3 years ago by Rain@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.ml

The ActivityPub based music server bounces back!


Hi! So I'm using an open source RSS aggregator self hosted alongside my pi-hole.

Anyone know how the basics of making a website go from static to dynamic work? What I want to do is add more RSS feeds from any device on my network and have the changes synced network-wide. Right now though, adding feeds is stored as a local cookie on each device separately.

Here is the repository I'm looking at: https://github.com/sempostma/newsfeeder

Any ideas on how I can store the feeds info on the Pi instead?


So I was able to install everything correctly, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do in order for people that don't have my same IP to see my files. I'd like to share my Jellyfin server with some friends so they can see movies there. I've already open the ports, but they can't still access them, I'm using elementaryOS Hera which is built on Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS.

submitted 3 years ago by speedmaker_5@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

I know of:

  • Tusky
  • Fedilab

I don't know which of the two to use. They are quite similar in a lot of regards and I don't think I've seen all differences.

Do you prefer one or the other or another option? Why?

Requirement is that the App needs to be available on F-Droid.

thanks for your opinions.

Screw it, I'll host it myself (www.markozivanovic.com)
submitted 3 years ago by xe8@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.ml

I have a Raspberry Pi Zero W that is serving as my Pihole server, but that only uses about 10% of its very underpowered CPU, and I feel like I'm not getting my money's worth. Anyone have any lightweight project ideas I can run on it to use up more of its resources?

Could I run BOINC limited to 50% CPU usage on it or is it too slow to complete jobs on time? Could I maybe seed torrents for popular Linux distros on it without the rather weak Wi-Fi chipset getting overwhelmed and bottlenecking the DNS server?


I have a few single board computers at home that I want to try hosting some public facing stuff with, but what's the best way to deal with the fact that my home internet is not on a static IP? Would I have to host my site from a DynDNS domain and hope that when the IP changes, the DNS caches of users expire quickly enough to keep them connected?

submitted 3 years ago by Zoe8338@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/60961

I found AzuraCast but it seems that it doesn't work wit FireFox and Safari, but only with chrome to listen to music, and the DJ is a bit weird to use. I also found BottledRadio but have no experience on how it works. Any other one you may know of or can advise how to solve/work with the ones above?

submitted 3 years ago by BlueTomato@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.ml


I recently had issues with my self-hosted instance of Nextcloud so I started looking for an alternative to it.

I would like something that could allow me to make a local network of shared files between devices I choose, if that makes any sense.

I stumbled upon Syncthing but it doesen't seem what I had in mind: I understand that it replicates folders between devices, but I am looking for a way to distribuite files between machines. Again, like Nextcloud but without a central server to rely to.

Do you know if something of that sort exists?

Or if you have any other solution?

Thank you.

P.S. I am posting it here because it seems like some sort of self-hosting, but maybe I will cross-post it to the decentralized comunity.

submitted 3 years ago by metawish@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.ml

I started self hosting with a home server last year, and had put it in a room in the house where there was an ethernet port.

Last week, me and my dad wired up the house with ethernet ports and a switch and now I want to move my home server from it's current location to a different room in the house.

Is there any sort of guidance or guide about how to properly move a server? I don't want to mess up my server since it is a repurposed old desktop. I also run Yunohost on it if that's important to know.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by Zoe8338@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/70927

I am looking for something which u can selfhost and have a web UI or client where u choose the game and launch it.

Edit: Something open source would be great!

submitted 2 years ago by zenobit@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Alovoa looking for contributors! Can you help us implement decentralization for open source dating app?


Help us, join the project: https://github.com/Alovoa/alovoa

submitted 2 years ago by DBGamer@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.ml

I am felt up with my Game Service shared provider's billing policies and I seriously trying to consider all options/help i might be able to get. Including trying to just rent a suitable VPS instead...

Does anybody know anything else that might help me runs Minetest gaming servers? Or anybody here who might be able help me sort this out?

Thanks you very much in advance!

submitted 2 years ago by DBGamer@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.ml

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/72747

Ever since the Pterodactyl Game Panel software had changed theming in 1.x versioning I am left to the hands of 3rd party gaming providers to get things done. Which of course doesn't checks all of the boxes. :(

The issues? Lack of contrasts, or as I like to "call it" grey on top of grey!

Nobody can give me a feasible solution to either correct this or even to part ways to still be able to host a User Interface on my own server rental.

submitted 2 years ago by atti@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

I'm very new to Fediverse. I've seen that WriteFreely is a blogging software that has some integration with Mastodon and I decided to try it. However I don't see any options for readers to comment on posts. Do you know if that feature is enabled already or still not?

submitted 2 years ago by lemm1ngs@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Genuine inquiry . Maybe I am not experienced enough with the various federated platforms but I am an avid user of matrix, and have dabbled in lemmy. From what I have seen is federation is on the path to decentralization but not fully there. It creates fiefdom, little kingdoms . Great yes you may find one that suites you better, but users now can end up isolated to their island, switch island sure but now you are isolated for the previous island and maybe others. Its stupid. On matrix you need to know the other island(server) to even find its rooms(communities). Some rooms block users from one server while others block users of other servers. You either have to run multiple accounts or accept the limits. Add in you are at the mercy of your home server, you can lose your account have it immitated, and more. The performance is horrible not sure why, but content is slow to update and spread. Matrix has the problem because of its design most people are on the matrix.org server and so the point of federation is largely lost. They are moving to p2p where it seems the solutions for federation now dont apply.

Anyway why is federation not stupid? Are these problems only with Matrix? Cause I look at lemmy and it seems far worse.


What is the best facebook fediverse platform. I want something that is more private which you connect with friends and family.

I know of Frendica and there is Minds which is not yet federated but is working on becoming federated.

Kobol64 ending (blog.kobol.io)
submitted 2 years ago by gdaofb27584@lemmy.ml to c/selfhosted@lemmy.ml
Dear, Lemmy... (lemmy.ml)
submitted 2 years ago by sinewyshadow@lemmy.ml to c/fediverse@lemmy.ml

Hi, Lemmy! So I made two mistakes. But I'd like to inform Lemmy, that there is a free speech version of the Lemmy code being used to throw racial slurs around. That instance is called goatpen.co I advise you not to go there, as you will come across racial slurs on the front page.

So my first mistake was asking what people on discussions.app like to use for different social networks. One instance, as mentioned above was goatpen.co. My curiousity got the better of me, and I went to check it out. That was my second mistake. That place is a cesspool.

That's all I wanted to say. Someone or some company is using lemmy's code to host a lemmy-clone and make it a cesspool.


I thought about using my Raspberry Pi 3 B+ as a NextCloud server, but research told me it would be too slow to be useful. Any cool useful projects I can do, without any extra purchases? I'm extremely low on money currently.

submitted 2 years ago by N0b3d@lemmy.ml to c/homeassistant@lemmy.ml

I have a (non-automated) gas fired boiler supplying my heating. It comes on before I wake up so the house is nice and warm for me when I crawl out of bed.

I also like the bedroom to be warm at night when I go to bed, so the radiator is on in the bedroom.

What I don't like is waking up in a room that's too hot.

So is there some way of controlling the TLV on my bedroom radiator, maybe turning it down overnight? I know I could just remember to turn it down when I go to bed, but the plain fact is that I don't.

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