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Thanks, I hate it.

[-] 1 points 1 week ago

Every time. Surprised they're still around tbh.

[-] 1 points 3 weeks ago

What's the use of autonomy when a button does it all?

[-] 6 points 3 weeks ago

Yeah true, kid-me would be very proud that I'm opposed to anti-labor practices!

[-] 31 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

I believe Tim means to say that the spread of misinformation can be linked to the rise of Flat Earthers. That if we can only trust what we see before us, and we see a flat horizon, we can directly interpret this visual to mean that the Earth is flat. Thus, if we cannot trust our own eyes and ears, how can future courtroom evidence be trusted?

"Up to the Twentieth Century, reality was everything humans could touch, smell, see, and hear. Since the initial publication of the chart of the electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear is less than one-millionth of reality." -Bucky Fuller

^ basically that

[-] 31 points 3 weeks ago

I will drive my 2003 Envoy I inherited into the ground, and after that it's a 2008 Camry, and then I'll ride that into the ground. Good God, if kid-me would have known adult-me would have turned into a Luddite..


Instagram is profiting from several ads that invite people to create nonconsensual nude images with AI image generation apps, once again showing that some of the most harmful applications of AI tools are not hidden on the dark corners of the internet, but are actively promoted to users by social media companies unable or unwilling to enforce their policies about who can buy ads on their platforms.

While parent company Meta’s Ad Library, which archives ads on its platforms, who paid for them, and where and when they were posted, shows that the company has taken down several of these ads previously, many ads that explicitly invited users to create nudes and some ad buyers were up until I reached out to Meta for comment. Some of these ads were for the best known nonconsensual “undress” or “nudify” services on the internet.

God damn I hate this fucking AI bullshit so god damn much.

[-] 4 points 2 months ago

Whether you mean their arms or their arms, I support this statement.


From the article:

Prosecutors have alleged Travis John Branson and others killed about 3,600 birds during a yearslong “killing spree” on the Flathead Indian Reservation and elsewhere. Feathers from eagles and other birds are highly prized among many Native American tribes for use in sacred ceremonies and during pow-wows.

Branson of Cusick, Washington, will plead guilty under an agreement with prosecutors to reduced charges including conspiracy, wildlife trafficking and two counts of unlawful trafficking of eagles.

Fucking assholes.


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