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[-] 1 points 22 hours ago

That's good to know, thanks!

[-] 3 points 22 hours ago

I have the option to see hidden files using Material Files (won't let you look inside Android folder tho); if you need something more heavy duty there's Ghost Commander. Both are available on F-Droid. There's also Files from GrapheneOS, which might be available on the Play Store, but not sure about that one.

[-] 20 points 2 days ago

From Wikipedia: The Ludwig von Mises Institute for Austrian Economics, or Mises Institute, is a nonprofit think tank headquartered in Auburn, Alabama, that is a center for Austrian economics, radical right-wing libertarian thought and the paleolibertarian and anarcho-capitalist movements in the United States. It is named after the economist Ludwig von Mises (1881–1973) and promotes his version of heterodox Misesian Austrian economics.

[-] 3 points 2 days ago

I keep trying to post this to World News on BH but it then it ends up on instead!

submitted 2 days ago by to c/
submitted 2 days ago by to c/
submitted 2 days ago by to c/
submitted 3 days ago by to c/
submitted 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) by to c/
submitted 3 days ago by to c/
[-] 9 points 4 days ago

Well, they spoke with the EFF which made Privacy Badger, so maybe that's why. They did the password thing with the dice, tho, which I guess is good.

[-] 2 points 4 days ago


✔VPNs 👍

I thought DNS over HTTPS (DoH!) was not recommended for some reason . . . My VPN provider claims to be using its own DNS servers.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by to c/

I was under the impression that Privacy Badger wasn't considered useful any more . . . ? They should've just recommended using Firefox instead, yes?

EDIT: They spoke to, but IMHO, did not give enough time to, Cory Doctorow and Brewster Kahle. They mentioned Mastodon 👍, and described the Fediverse while not actually calling it that! A bit frustrating.

[-] 2 points 4 days ago

Before answering your first question (I'm actually not sure how to answer! I'll have to think about it 🤔)--my laptop has wifi, which transmits and receives radio waves to/from my router; my router is connected to a cable (broadband cable? I guess? Not DSL at any rate), which is connected to the internet (and there's also a MODEM in there somewhere too). My laptop doesn't have the ability to connect by mobile data which uses, I guess?, cell phone towers, but my smartphone can use both. So they're two different systems is I guess what I'm getting at, and I was never clear on how or if a VPN provided any sort of basic privacy if it was only using cell towers. This is a potentially really dumb question (the head injury doesn't help 🤕), but remember, William Gibson used to think that computers were powered by these gleaming magical crystals (or so he claims), before he looked inside one and discovered that it was basically just a floppy plastic record spinning around really fast.

submitted 4 days ago by to c/

I've never completely understood this, but I think the answer would probably be "no," although I'm not sure. Usually when I leave the house I turn off wifi and just use mobile data (this is a habit from my pre-VPN days), although I guess I should probably just keep it on since using strange Wi-Fi with a VPN is ok (unless someone at Starbucks is using the evil twin router trick . . . ?). I was generally under the impression that mobile data is harder to interfere with than Wi-Fi, but I could well be wrong and my notions out of date. So, if need be, please set me straight. 🙂

submitted 1 week ago by to c/
submitted 1 week ago by to c/
submitted 1 week ago by to c/
submitted 1 week ago by to c/
[-] 37 points 2 weeks ago

Because far too many US Dems are cowards who live in fear of the conservative news media who will claim, no matter what they do, that they are "soft on crime."

[-] 13 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Can Biden win without the youth vote? Does he even want to win?

[-] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Maybe play around with this a bit?

[-] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Hey, hey, genocide Joe, how many Palestinians left to go?

I'm not very good at this 🙁

[-] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Hey, hey, genocide Joe ... ?

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