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[-] 7 points 9 hours ago* (last edited 8 hours ago)

This is the problem with "ism"s. At whatever point you decide that philosophy X is the answer to everything, you start being wrong about a lot of the world, because whatever it is, there's at least like 30% of situations (and potentially a lot more) that your particular ism actually isn't the answer to.

Libertarianism or anti-imperialism or ACAB or socialism or pro-the-Democrats or anarchist or whatever it is, it's never always the answer. Trying to hold a debate about, well is it philosophy X or philosophy Y that's always right about everything, or any other discussion that feeds into the basic wrong premise, is just compounding the imaginary non-situation-dependent way of looking at it.

Although yes some of them are wrong a lot more of the time than some others.

[-] 1 points 16 hours ago

It’s a bold strategy

[-] 8 points 2 days ago

Dude what the HECK lol. You gotta subtle it up my man.

You gotta say something along the lines of, no I'm just a good concerned native English speaker citizen of the United States and I feel like both sides are sliding into fascism and just, Biden's so old, and anyway what about Gaza, and I'm so concerned and turned off from politics in general, I mean I don't feel like it matters, blue MAGA, amirite, etc etc and so on stuff like that.

If you lead off right away with kakistocracy democratic Marxism social justice you're gonna get all these Lemmy people saying fuck yeah Marxism let's get some Marxism and social justice up in here, but you're wrong tho Biden WISHES he was a Marxist, anyway viva la revolución

[-] 13 points 2 days ago

IDK what's up with Jared Bernstein or why he apparently fucked up trying to answer a question from Stephanie Kelton's documentary.

But the other half of the claim this story is making is that Janet Yellen "gets basic econ wrong" because she doesn't like supply side economics.

Yellen also claims that “trickle down tax cuts” don’t fuel economic growth and only benefit the wealthy. Yellen is attacking Supply Side Economics, which economists have embraced for centuries. Statistics prove the economists’ version of Supply Side Economics.

Secretary Yellen gave a speech in Kentucky recently. Yellen announced that the Biden administration will implement what she refers to as Modern Supply Side Economics. This so called modern theory is really just a rehash of what economists refer to as “industrial policy”, mixed with investment in infrastructure. The traditional industrial policy favored by the Biden administration has a dismal track record globally.

Does it, though?

The big complaint that according to them goes against what economists have embraced for centuries, is that Janet Yellen wants to invest in infrastructure, instead of giving more money to the wealthiest people and then it'll trickle down?

All economists know that supply side effects of tax cuts really exist, we just disagree over the strength of these effects. Yellen is playing like a trick here. Some Republican politicians have exaggerated supply side effects of tax cuts, by claiming that their tax cuts will produce overnight miracles. Harvard economist Martin Feldstein pointed out the difference between statistically proven Supply Side Economics and the disproven politicized version of Supply Side Economics decades ago. Yellen surely knows all of this. Yellen is guilty of using the Strawman Fallacy to dismiss a sound alternative to Biden’s absurd industrial policies.

I don't have time to dig up the chart decade by decade of every single economic metric affecting both macro-scale economic well being, and individual well being for working people, and showing that during times of tax cuts for the wealthy every single one of them gets worse and during times of taxing the wealthy to fund doing other things with the money they all tend to get better, but that's what happens. It's almost comical how strong the correlation is and how universally it impacts every single metric.

submitted 2 days ago by to c/
[-] 5 points 2 days ago


Russia invades Ukraine and bombs apartment buildings, it's like hey WTF those are perfectly innocent people

Israel turns the whole of Gaza into a wasteland of corpses and famine and it's like well of course, they're seeing to their security situation, as any country would, here's some bombs my loving brother

I don't think Israel should be allowed at the Olympics either, FWIW

[-] 5 points 2 days ago

Yeah, maybe so. I'm sorta just playing devil's advocate. My point wasn't that Russia isn't a terrorist state which is visiting pointless destruction on the world at large in a stupid and dangerous way, more that the US has also roamed around the world killing innocent people for a variety of reasons, and we still get to go the Olympics and everything.

(I mean I'm not saying they're the same, and I kind of like that Russia got excluded from some of the friendly people's clubs when they started behaving like a rabid dog. Just, I'm saying maybe extending an olive branch every now and then is okay.)

[-] 66 points 2 days ago

I mean

Remembering old friendships and times we were suffering and struggling together, even if the present day is death and mistrust and we’re enemies, doesn’t seem like the worst thing in the world

To a lot of people the US and the EU have often been the devil man that Russia is today. We can let it go for short periods of time, I think, sometimes.

Just my opinion

submitted 3 days ago by to c/
[-] 7 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

So after your first sentence, I was all ready to dig back through my comments to try to find it. It was absolutely baffling.

(Probably it would be sour grapes for me to dig up some old argument with somebody just so I can break it back out here, and say "THE MAN WAS WRONG, I TELL YOU, HE WAS WRONG, LOOK AT HIM AND HIS WRONG PLEASE EVERYBODY AGREE ABOUT IT")

[-] 31 points 3 days ago

Dude I've had people on Lemmy tell me that I am wrong about the contents of my own mind.

I tell them, this is what I believe and why (and my arguments citations whatever)

And they say, no, obviously you're lying and you believe this other thing instead. And then they start digging through my history and constructing arguments and debating me on it.

Some instances I don't go on that much anymore

[-] 39 points 3 days ago

Pretty sure once you're killing hundreds per day it's reached stage 9. Stage 8, they've been at for decades now (occasional massacres for some, systematic semi-deadly oppression and isolation and exclusion for all with the threat of more at any time).

All of Palestine has been a ghetto since the wall went up in the 1990s.

[-] 2 points 4 days ago

No, Big Chopper speaks only the truth

[-] 4 points 4 days ago

That’s just lies made up by Big Copper

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by to c/
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Excerpts of interest:

Mr Shoigu has close links with President Putin, often taking him on fishing trips in his native Siberia.

He was given the defence portfolio despite having no military background, which rankled with some of his top brass.

A civil engineer by profession, Mr Shoigu rose to prominence as the head of the emergencies and disaster relief ministry in the 1990s.

He often looked out of his depth as defence minister, especially after Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine more than two years ago.

Prigozhin, who led a short-lived mutiny against Moscow, accused Mr Shoigu of being a "dirtbag" and "elderly clown" in audio messages that went viral.

Mr Shoigu's suggested replacement, Mr Belousov, is an economist with little military experience.

submitted 1 week ago by to c/

I feel like mostly these "I had a model generate images for this song" things are pretty lackluster, and this one could have used more variety on the length of time it sticks with any given moving-image, but overall it seemed surprisingly good to me.

submitted 1 week ago by to c/
submitted 1 week ago by to c/
submitted 1 week ago by to c/
submitted 1 week ago by to c/
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